i am in the sky

Illustration by Tess McRae

Illustration by Tess McRae

a 154 yellow pieces 

scattered in the sky

i look like 

a candy wonderland or a playground swing set 

(some form of a child’s dream) 

placed in the clouds 

radiant in the eyes of the sun

i am golden and glowing

yet i am not whole

i am a broken yellow doll

disguised by hopes and wishes,

pieces of me stretched so far apart:

i don’t remember the last time i prayed to my ancestors

hands are disconnected from the incense at the altar

i don’t remember the last time i got on my knees 

asked the sun for forgiveness 

i don’t remember the last time i placed the sacrificial fruit

at my grandmothers picture frame 

my brain is a topsy turvy mess

i have no recollection as to who i am.

my skin is yellow

dark red 

clots in crevices of my body

a healing clinic and a mourning for those who left

i am a lost child’s dream in the sky

i am the reality that there is nothing real

i am the embodiment of this tragic world

for yellow skins 

About Calista Ogburn

Calista Ogburn reaches her readers by sharing her feelings and experiences through a collection of poems. As a college student studying Public Health in the Washington D.C. area, she has studied at International high schools overseas which has provided her a global perspective. To read more of her poetry regarding her Asian-American identity, click here.

real/imaginedCalista Ogburn