first time

I can’t remember the last time
I had a meal like this


food I grew up with
that grandmother made

and her mother
and her grandmother

what we are doing
upholding traditions of ancestors

like they did
but not the same

we are queer,
and we are queer food

we are laughing
and with each other

doing in the same
way and at the same time

the first time
a different way

I am now with people
I am with my people


About Ananya Garg

Ananya Garg is a Seattle-based young queer Indian woman and a performance and spoken word artist, centered in art and community. She is in her last year as a student at the University of Washington where she is learning that institutions do not have her interests at heart. She learning to heal and shine. She is most thankful for her QTPOC arts community and chosen family, as well as the queer elders and ancestors she never got to meet, but who paved the way for her to be able to do her work today.  

IdentityAnanya Garg